• Knowledge on Theories of Personality, Counseling, and other Psychology subjects
• Coordination and planning of activities or/and lectures/programs
• Administrative and clerical tasks
• Applicant screening and interview
• Research Work
Hi, I'm Psyche. I graduated with highest honors last 2018 and just finished my Masters last March only. I am a Certified Mental Health First Responder and Certified Human Resource Associate. Here are my previous/present job experiences: Deployed students for On-the-Job Training with respective dealers.
Coordinated Professional Technical Examinations with Toyota’s Customer Services Operations.
Assisted partner dealers and handled foreign employment matters.
Prepared and processed documents for TESDA Assessments.
Created teaching materials for various psychology courses.
Taught multiple psychology courses.
Prepare teaching materials for Filipino Christian Living, Understanding the Self, Cognitive Psychology, Theories of Personality, Clinical Psychology, etc.
Teach the aforementioned courses.
Advise research students.